On Friday I had the opportunity to visit the Virginia Museum of Transportation in downtown Roanoke. We had our office Christmas lunch in downtown Roanoke and afterwards my boss wanted to visit the Museum. It’s a really cool place to visit. They have exhibits on all things transportation…horse buggies to cars to buses to trains and planes. They even have a cool model train set up that is just amazing to watch in action.
Roanoke is a train town, so naturally the trains are a large part of the Museum’s draw. They have cool interactive displays inside and out.
I loved these big engines. When you sit in your car at a crossing watching the cars go by, you know the engines are huge but standing by these engines in person, WOW! I wasn’t even as tall as the wheels. These engines truly are works of art.
They are even decked out in Christmas Wreaths!
And how cool is this engine? A spirit of ’76? Love it. If you are ever in town, make sure you take time and stop by.
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